Список семинаров
- Astrophysical seminar
Manager: Beskin Vasily Semenovich Secretary: Beskin Vasily Semenovich - Astrospace Center Theoretical Astrophysics Department Seminar
Manager: Lukash Vladimir Nikolaevich Secretary: Chernov Sergey Vladimirovich - Astrospace Center Theoretical Astrophysics Department Seminar
Manager: Lukash Vladimir Nikolaevich Secretary: Chernov Sergey Vladimirovmch - Condensed matter theory seminar
Manager: Semenov Andrew Georgievich Secretary: Radkevich Alexey Andreevich - Cosmic rays and Solar-Earth physics
Manager: Makhmutov Vladimir S. Secretary: Kvashnin Alexander Alexandrovich - G.T.Zatsepin Neutrino and Nuclear Astrophysics Seminar
Manager: Ryazhskaya Olga Georgievna Secretary: Mukhamedshin Rauf Adgamovich - High Energy Physics
Manager: Shikanov Andrey Sergeevich Secretary: Bochkarev Sergey Gennad'evich - High energy physics seminar
Manager: Dremin Igor Михайлович Secretary: Radovskaya Anna Александровна - I.E.Tamm Theory Department Seminar
Manager: ОТФ Secretary: Каркарьян Евгений Карапетович - Joint seminar of Solid State Physics and Quantum Radiophysica departments
Manager: Vinogradov A.V, Sibel'din N.N Secretary: Mityagin Yuriy Alekseevich - Laboratory of Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Biophysics and Laboratory of Dynamics of Reacting Systems Seminar
Manager: Polezhaev Andrey Alexandrovich Secretary: Fateev Ilya Sergeevich - LPI-MIPT colloquium on observational astrophysics
Manager: Kravchenko Evgeniya Васильевна Secretary: Zobnina Darja Игоревна - Moscow Astrophysical seminar
Manager: Burdyuzha Vladimir Vladimir Secretary: Davletchin Istshak Umamutdinovich - Nano-optics and nanoplasmonics
Manager: Klimov Vasily Vasilievich Secretary: Treshin Ilya Valerievich - On the applicability of the diagnostics of hydrogen plasma on radiation from the triplet States of hydrogen in a DC discharge, microwave discharge and ECR discharge
Manager: Ochkin Vladimir Nikolaevich Secretary: Budagovsky Ivan Andreevich - Proceedings of Young Scientists Board
Manager: Bogachev Sergej Aleksandrovich Secretary: Ambrozevich Sergej Aleksandrovich - Pulsed High-Temperature Plasma Physics
Manager: Gus'kov Sergey Yu. Secretary: Doskoch Igor Ya. - Quantum physics and quantum information
Manager: Man'ko Vladimir Ivanovich Secretary: Filippov Sergey Nikolaevich - Seminar of Center for laser and nonlinear optical technologies
Manager: Ionin Andrey Alekseevich Secretary: Klimachev Yury Mikhailovich - Seminar of the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems
Manager: Leonidov Andrey Vladimirovich Secretary: Serebryannikova Ekaterina Evgenevna - Seminar of the LPI
Manager: Velichansky Vladimir Leonidovich Secretary: Yuryshev Nikolay Nikolaevich - Seminar of the Neutron Physics Department
Manager: Borisenko Nataliya Glebovna Secretary: Koromyslov Alexey Leonidovich - Seminar of Theoretical Nuclear Physics laboratory
Manager: Voronin Alexey Yurevich Secretary: Voronin Alexey Yurevich - Seminar on luminescence
Manager: Vitukhnovskiy Aleksey Grigor'evich Secretary: Averyushkin Anatoliy Sergeevich - Seminar on solid state physics
Manager: Arseev Petr Ivarovich Secretary: Arseev Petr Ivarovich - Seminar on Theoretical Nuclear Physics
- Seminar on Theoretical Radiophysics
Manager: Smetanin Igor Valentinovich Secretary: Smetanin Igor Valentinovich - Slow Solitary Elastic Waves With Discrete Velocities (there are experimental proofs, but there is no theory)
Manager: Kudriavtsev Eugene Михайлович Secretary: Alex Lebedev Анатольевич - Solid State Physics department seminar
Manager: Krivobok Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Secretary: Kulebyakina Evginiya Vladimirovna - th
Manager: Leonidov Andrey Vladimirovich Secretary: Stankevich Yuriy Aleksandrovich - The Department of High Energy Density Physics Workshop
Manager: Pikuz Sergey Aleksandrovich Secretary: Smaznova Khristina Timofeevna - Theoretical Nuclear Physisc Seminar
Manager: Dalkarov Oleg Dmitrievich Secretary: Smirnov Aleksandr Valerievich - Theory of Complex Systems
Manager: Chernavskiy Dmitriy Sergeevich Secretary: Krivosheev Oleg Igorevich