Maslova Yulia Yaroslavovna
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Высококвалифицированный научный сотрудник
Phone: +7(499) 132-61-29
Phone: +7(926) 23-27-842
Researcher ID
For the complete list of publications (including Russian papers) please visit Russian version of this page.
English publications of Yulia Yaroslavovna Maslova
M.V. Gorbunkov, V.G. Tunkin, E.G. Bessonov, R.M. Fechtchenko, I.A. Artyukov, Yu.V. Shabalin, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, A.V. Poseryaev, V.I. Shvedunov, A.V. Vinogradov, B.S. Ishkhanov, Proposal of a Compact Repetitive Dichromatic X-ray Generator with Millisecond Duty Cycle for Medical Applications, "Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications VI", Proc. SPIE Vol. 5919, OU1-OU6, eds. Fill & Suckewer, 2005.
A project of laser electron X-ray generator for scientific applications. I.A. Artyukov, E.G. Bessonov, A.V. Vinogradov, M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, N.L. Popov, A.A. Postnov, Yu.A. Uspenski, R.M. Feshchenko, Yu.V. Shabalin, Yu.L. Slovokhotov, Ya.V. Zubavichus, B.S. Ishkhanov, A.V. Poseryaev, V.I. Shvedunov, P.V. Kostrukov, V.G. Tunkin. Invited paper, Springer Proc. in Physics 115, 10th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, X-Ray Lasers, p. 631, 2006.
Laser Physics Research Relevant to Laser-Electron X-Ray Generator, M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov. Готовится к публикации в трудах 10-й международной конференции ICXRL. Invited paper, Springer Proc. in Physics 115, 10th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, X-Ray Lasers, p. 619-629, 2006.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov Microsecond Regular and Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamics in a Pulsed Picosecond Nd:YAG Laser with Millisecond Pumping. ICONO\LAT 2007, May 28-June 1, Minsk, L01-21, p.93.
LASER-ELECTRON X-RAY GENERATOR Artyukov I.A., Bessonov E.G., Vinogradov A.V., Gorbunkov M.V., Maslova Yu.Ya., Popov N.L., Postnov A.A., Uspenskii Yu.A., Feshchenko R.M., Shabalin Yu.V., Zubavichus Ya.V., Slovokhotov Yu.L., Ishkhanov B.S., Poseryaev A.V., Shvedunov V.I., Kostryukov P.V., Tunkin V.G. Journal of Surface Investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. 2007. Т. 1. № 4. С. 435-442.
Development of a Laser Unit with a Time Structure Required by a Medical Thomson X-Ray Generator M. V. Gorbunkov, Y. Y. Maslova, and Y. V. Shabalin in Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine-2007, Editors: C. Granja, C. Leroy, I. Stekl, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 958, American Institute of Physics, New York, USA (2007) pp. 246-247.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov. Simulation of Regular and Chaotic Dynamics of a Picosecond Laser with Optoelectronic Feedback, in WDS'07 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part III – Physics (eds. J. Safrankova and J. Pavlu), Prague, Matfyzpress, pp. 140–144, 2007.
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, B.S. Ishkhanov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.I. Shvedunov, V.G. Tunkin, A.V. Vinogradov. Relativistic Thomson scattering in compact linacs and storage rings: a route to tunable laboratory-scale X-ray sources. Proceedings MWTA-2007. Moscow, 15-19 October 2007. p. 41.
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, P.V. Kostryukov, V.G. Tunkin, B.S. Ishkhanov, V.I. Shvedunov, A.V. Vinogradov. Relativistic Thomson scattering in compact linacs and storage rings: a route to quasi-monochromatic tunable laboratory-scale X-ray sources. Proceedings SPIE, V. 6702, 6702Е-1—6702Е-9, (2007).
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov. Quasi CW mode, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics in Picosecond Nd:YAG Laser with millisecond Pumping under Optoelectronic Feedback Control. Proceedings SPIE, V. 6731, 67311Z-1—67311Z-6, (2007).
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, B.S. Ishkhanov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.I. Shvedunov, V.G. Tunkin, and A.V. Vinogradov. Laser-electron generator for X-ray applications in science and technology Laser and Particle Beams, 2008, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.489—495.
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.G. Tunkin, A.A. Postnov, A.A. Mikhailichenko, V.I. Shvedunov, B.S. Ishkhanov, A.V. Vinogradov. Design study of compact Thomson X-ray sources for material and life sciences applications, 11th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Belfast, 17-22 August 2008, Abstracts Booklet, p. I-10.
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.G. Tunkin, and A.V. Vinogradov. Design study of compact Thomson X-ray sources for material and life sciences applications. Compton Sources for X/gamma Rays: Physics and Applications, Sardinia, Italy, 7-12 September 2008, book of abstracts.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, Yu.V. Shabalin. Period doubling and deterministic chaos in a picosecond laser controlled with a combination of positive and negative optoelectronic feedbacks. Proc. ICQO 2008. September 20-23, 2008, Vilnius, pp.6—7.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov, Submicrosecond regular and chaotic nonlinear dynamics in a pulsed picosecond Nd:YAG laser with millisecond pumping, Applied Optics, Vol. 48, Issue 12, pp. 2267-2274, 2009.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, O.I. Chaban, Yu.V. Shabalin Period Doubling Cascade and Deterministic Chaos in a Laser Self-Mode-Locked by the Combination of Inertial Negative and Positive Feedbacks, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 150--156.
M.V.Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya.Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, and Yu.V. Shabalin, Generation of a Regular Sequence of Short-Pulse Microtrains with a Discretely Varied Repetition Period, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 270–276.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, A.V. Vinogradov "Optical unit of Laser-Electron X-ray Generator designed for medical applications", Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 608, S32-S35, 2009.
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.G. Tunkin, A.A. Postnov, A.A. Mikhailichenko, V.I. Shvedunov, B.S. Ishkhanov, A.V. Vinogradov. Design study of compact Thomson X-ray sources for material and life sciences applications. JINST 2009, 4, P07017, 1--14.
K.A. Bubnov, M.V. Gorbunkov, S.M. Kutuzov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, Yu.V. Shabalin. Laser cavity round trip time scale regular and chaotic nonlinear dynamics in a picosecond laser controlled with the combination of positive and negative optoelectronic feedbacks. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7993, 79930S-1--79930S-10, 2011.
A.V. Vinogradov, E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, B.S. Ishkhanov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.I. Shvedunov, V.G. Tunkin. The project of laser-electron X-ray generator based on relativistic Thomson scattering. Proceedings of 9th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and Their Interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation, p. 44, April 13-14, 2011, Moscow, Russia.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, Yu.V. Shabalin. Regular and chaotic nonlinear dynamics in a picosecond laser controlled with a combination of positive and negative optoelectronic feedbacks at time scale less than a round trip time. 15th International Conference on Laser Optics “LO-2012”. Technical program. St.Petersburg, Russia, June 25-29, 2012, p.92.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, Yu.V. Shabalin, and A.V. Vinogradov. New regimes of nonlinear dynamics at a time scale less than a round-trip time in a picosecond laser controlled with a combination of positive and negative optoelectronic feedbacks. XXXII Dynamics Days Europe 2-7 September 2012. Gothenburg, Sweden. Book of abstracts. Editors B. Mehlig, O. Ghavami, S. Ostlund, D. Hanstorp, ISBN: 978-91-637-1501-3. University of Gothenburg, p. 214-215, 2012.
M.V. Gorbunkov, Yu.Ya. Maslova, V.A. Petukhov, M.A. Semenov, Yu.V. Shabalin, A.V. Vinogradov, Two-loop feedback control opens up a round trip time scale for nonlinear dynamics in a solid state laser. Proceedings of NOMA'13 Workshop (International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications). 3-4 September, 2013, pp.41—44, Zaragoza, Spain.