The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS) is one of the largest and is, apparently, the oldest Russian research center. Its scientific program covers almost all major fields of physics. As a modern multidisciplinary unit, the Institute has come a long way since its foundation in 1934 due to the official proposal of the Academician S.I Vavilov, an outstanding optical physicist and a science organizer. The history of LPI begins from the collection of scientific devices and instruments in the Kunstkamera founded by the decision of Tsar Peter the Great in 1714. Based on the use of collected instruments the first studies at the Physics Cabinet of the Kunstkamera are dated by 1724 when the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences has been established. The Cabinet of Physics was well recognized by the activity of prominent scientists of that time as D. Bernoulli, L. Euler, M.V. Lomonosov.

- Kolachevsky Nikolay Nikolaevich
- Savinov Sergey Yurievich
- Nevolin Vladimir Nikolaevich
- Ivanov Oleg Viktorovich
- Kolobov Andrej Vladimirovich
- Ryabov Vladimir Alekseevich
- Tarasenko Natalia Vladimirovna
Event date
Вritish-Russian Workshop on Quantum Technologies Moscow Moscow , March 20-23, 2017 |
Event date
International Workshop «Strong Field Problems in Quantum Theory» Tomsk, June 6-11, 2016 |
Event date
19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI) Moscow, August 22 - 27, 2016. |
Event date
International Conference "Higher spin theory and Holography" (HSTH-3) Moscow, November 23 - 25, 2015 |
Event date
International Conference "Higher Spin Theory and Holography" (HSTH-2) Moscow, June 2 - 4, 2015 |
- Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
- Institute of Physics Publishing
- Journal of Russian Laser Research
- Physics - Uspekhi
- Physics in Higher Education (Fizicheskoe Obrazovanie v VUZah)
- Quantum Electronics
The history of LPI has been marked by the great scientific discoveries, such as the Vavilov–Cherenkov effect (Cherenkov radiation), the phase-stability principle, the basics of both controlled thermonuclear fusion and quantum generators. The research performed at LPI formulated the fundamental principles of radio engineering and nonlinear theory of vibrations, as well as the grounds for semiconductor electronics, radio astronomy, high-energy physics and many other branches of modern physics.
At present, in spite of some difficulties, LPI remains the flagship of Russian science. Both basic and applied researches are carried out here. A collaboration with various research centers in Russia and all over the world is quite extensive.
Some of the most attractive achievements are related to special lasers generating the ultra short 300-femtosecond pulses through a rather simple technique; to a transportable optical frequency standard for precise measurements, for instance, to detect the earth's crust vibrations at ultralow frequencies etc.
Now the studies to define the structure of the solar atmosphere and to determine the ozone distribution in the earth's atmosphere are held. The works on the theory of the so-called dark matter of our universe are of great importance. One of the topical studies at LPI, which is essential for microelectronics, is presently dedicated to the physics of nanostructures that helps in understanding the electro-magnetic and optical phenomena.
Special attention is paid to superconductivity, including the HTS superconductivity. Experiments in the field of elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, cosmic ray physics and ultrahigh energy gamma ray astronomy are also carried out at LPI. Common objectives for the thermo- nuclear fusion are developed.
A highly efficient system, which is under development, to detect the concealed explosives (humanitarian mine clearance) based on the method of gamma activation analysis can be very important.
25 | 174 | 432 | 843 | 1920 |
Members of RAS | Doctor of Science | Candidate of Science | Researcher | Collective of the institute |

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle"

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for pioneering contributions to the theory of supercond uctors and superfluids"

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle"

Academician, a winner of Nobel Peace Prize for "fearless personal commitment in I upholding the fundamental principles for peace between men" and unflagging fight "against the abuse of power and all forms of violation of human dignity.."

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery and interpretation of le Cherenkov effect"

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery and interpretation of iC Cherenkov effect"

Academician, a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"